Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Counting my Bless...

Mungkin g tidak se kaya orang2 lain yg punya mobil and rumah bagus, but i always thanks God for what i have right now.

Olivia...she is a really nice lil girl to me, kalo bepergian jarang banget rewel, she always enjoy the trip, tidak ngompol sejak Dec 09, bisa makan sendiri sekrg, bahkan Ollie bisa bangunin g tengah malam and minta pipis di toilet. Hey she's not 3 years old yet ;p

Jub...my husband....he always understand my upside down mood, ga pernah cerewet minta diurusin, bahkan bisa bikin teh sendiri kalo pagi, when i'm too lazy to get up early in the morning. Never say i'm ugly even when i had my bad hair day.

Opa and Nana... recently being my best friend...I can talk everything to them and don't have to worry about they will not love me anymore or see me in negative way.

Oma....always there to listen to my problem as wife and mother and give me her secret recipe, always send me Jub and Ollie fav cookie.

My Sisters (LK, JF, CF, NJ, SW)...always fun talk to them...loved to call them when i'm not in the good mood... and much more fun when i'm in the good mood...

My Brothers (MW,BW,NA,AF)...never been this proud of having handsome and goodlooking brothers...

Terima Kasih Jesus for my living Bless around me...

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